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Hydraulic Fracturing and the New Energy Economy: FD Johnson at the Helm - FDJohnson

Hydraulic Fracturing and the New Energy Economy: FD Johnson at the Helm

Hydraulic fracturing, commonly known as fracking, promises to lessen America's dependence on foreign oil. At the same time, this innovation - starting with the use of hydraulic lines - is another example of an industry where FD Johnson has a strong presence. In fact, hydraulic fracturing is at the center of a major expansion of jobs in the Midwest: demand abounds from both entrepreneurial and established oil companies, each with an interest in extracting (through the equipment we sell, repair and maintain) the newly discovered oil deposits deep with the earth. Accomplishing that goal is in both our economic and political interests, as it creates much needed jobs here at home while giving greater flexibility, in terms of energy independence, on the global stage. But for every hydraulic line or oil lubricator or attempt at hydrofracking, there is an even greater need to find a company with the experience, technical expertise and credibility to address these matters.

Again, that statement is not a chance for us to celebrate our strengths or showcase our success. It is, instead, a means of informing the public in general and companies (in the oil industry) in particular that FD Johnson understands the many benefits of hydraulic fracturing. Remember: this form of energy extraction, while attempted many decades ago, is now a mainstream phenomenon; the Midwest, particularly the Dakotas, is in the midst of an economic resurgence, where thousands of workers - many of them from other parts of the United States - are operating grease and barrel pumps, lubrication systems and other sophisticated pieces of machinery. The upside for these individuals, aside from the immediate salvation of a good job with impressive wages, is a chance to learn about - and be on the front line of - a major event in American history.

Hydro fracking (or one word, hydrofracking) symbolizes the union between innovation and technology, a point where the equipment now exists to extract large amounts of shale oil, make previously barren areas sources of an overabundance of oil and reinvigorate the economy as a whole. FD Johnson also has a substantial role in this industry, since we sell, service and maintain the pumps and systems responsible for hydraulic fracturing. That expertise is an extension of our commitment - a pledge that reflects 80 years of history and ethical leadership - to empower customers and build lifelong relationships with the companies we counsel.

So yes, our efforts go far beyond checking fracking fluid or repairing hand pumps; we immerse ourselves in the entire process, from start to finish, so a company's machinery will keep running. And, while that promise should be an obligatory oath for any business in any industry, reality tells a different story. Too many companies put profits before people, ignoring that respect for the latter is an essential part of the former. And even fewer companies have a multi-generational story about principles governing service, professionalism, integrity and training.

FD Johnson is a welcome contrast to those companies, since we have a legacy to uphold and a tradition to protect. In other words, we are ready to answer the call of the new economy and its promise of energy independence. The transformation unfolding is exciting and sustainable, thanks, in part, to the equipment we sell and maintain. This revolution - in technology and energy extraction - is our summons to leadership. We embrace this moment, for the future beckons us all.

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